Thursday, 26 September 2013

Historical Enquiry

You chose a topic at random to investigate and question in the lesson.

Your homework is to spend at least 30 minutes gathering more information and researching the topic further before next lesson.
Remember, this is YOUR enquiry - as long as you broadly stick to your given topic you can take it off in any direction or focus on any issue you like.

Good luck - this should be completed by the lesson on Monday afternoon (30/9)

Remember, if you wish to use computers, that homework club is available lunchtimes and L2L computers are available at break.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Chronology homework

You have a sheet of instructions regarding chronology.
Follow the instructions to complete a timeline with dates and time periods marked on it.
You can use colour to make it look special if you like - or pictures to really show your understanding.
E;mail me if you have any problems - you have my e:mail address.

It's due in next Tuesday for Mr Kendall's history lesson.

Good luck
Mrs Underwood

Friday, 13 September 2013

7.6 Homework for Monday 16 September

During our lesson on Thursday, we examined the different skills used in history.
You were given a sheet which we call "heads and tails".  This involves terms and their definitions which are muddled up.
Your task is to match the correct history skill to it's correct definition.
This involves you drawing 5 lines in total - but does require you to think back to the lesson and examine the skills you practiced and what they might mean.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Why did people move to the town from the countryside in the 17th and 18th centuries

On Monday, 4 February, in class we looked at some of the reasons people moved to the towns and cities during the 18th and 19th centuries.  I would like you to think about your character in our village and post a comment about how you feel about moving:  Did you have to move? Why? Were you forced?  Are you happy to go? Why?  Who do you blame for being forced to move?  What will you miss?

Think about the above questions as you write your comment and try to include as much detail and opinion as you can

Good luck!

This work should be completed by Monday 18th February